Quality Healthcare Frequently Asked Questions

The purpose of home care is to provide assistance to allow a person to live in their current living situation and maintain their quality of life. The personal attention and care they receive improves their safety, happiness and overall physical health. Most patients that choose home care find the comfort and security of staying in their familiar surroundings while getting the help they need, works to alleviate stress and reduce hospitalizations.

Home care will bring peace of mind to your family. Knowing that their loved one is getting the care that they need from a reliable and professional caregiver along with the knowledge that an established organization such as Quality Healthcare is checking and managing the caregivers to ensure the highest level of care is extremely comforting. The burden of having to be the sole caregivers for their loved one and the guilt of not being able to always balance it all will be eliminated when they sign up with Quality Healthcare. Quality Healthcare is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Quality Healthcare works together with and helps facilitate all major health insurance plans as well as Managed Long Term Care Plans (MLTCPs) to cover the cost of your home care. Quality Healthcare also accepts all major credit cards and private pay as well as Long Term Life Insurance.

Our employees are required to provide us with a completed physical yearly which includes a TB test, proof of immunizations for Rubella, Rubeola and Varcella. They also have an annual drug screen. While everything else is optional, we strongly urge our employees to immunize for the flu.

All of our caregiver including our Home Health Aides, RNs, LPNs and CNAs are employees of Quality Healthcare. We maintain worker’s compensation, disability and liability insurance for all of our employees. In addition, the employees are bonded.

The type of supervision will depend somewhat on who is involved with the patient’s care. If care is provided through Medicaid, a nurse will supervise the aide weekly or bi-weekly. If the services are privately paid, a nurse will go in a minimum of once in 90 days, but more often at the client’s request. All of our aides are evaluated at least every 6 months on their performance by an RN or LPN in the home of the patient to track the home health aide’s quality of care. He/she is tested annually by an RN to make sure his/her sills are current and up to par. In addition, our coordinators and supervisors are in constant phone contact with our caregivers and clients as well as checking attendance each and every day.

We certainly do. Each home health aide is provided with an Employee Handbook at the time of their orientation. The handbook clearly delineates their job description, standard of conduct and guidelines expected of them. it also clearly outlines the policies and procedures that they must adhere to in order to remain an employee of Quality Healthcare. The handbook is available in our corporate office.

If you or your loved one is not happy with the caregiver provided, of course we will try to find another more appropriate or comfortable choice for you. We understand that often a home health aide can be perfectly qualified but that the client and caregiver’s personalities may not work together. We will work with you to be sure you are satisfied.

No. However, our caregivers help our patients take medications, get to and from medical appointments, assist with bathing, toileting, and grooming, helping them be happier and healthier. A qualified medical professional is the only person able to make medical decisions for your loved one.

In Washington, DC, home health care provides a range of personal care services for the patient in the comfort of their own home. In addition to meal preparation, bathing, grooming, and transportation, light housekeeping ensures the home is safe and clean.

Taking the first steps toward home health care can be extremely challenging in some situations. However, once the patient becomes used to the change in their routine, assistance is more readily accepted. You may wish to discuss options with your loved one’s primary care physician to enact an advanced directive or power of attorney if the condition is due to dementia.

Every carer needs to have a break from time to time. Home health care is perfect for providing respite services so that you, as a carer, can do the things you need to do to provide the highest standards of care to your loved one.

Contact us through our website or phone to begin in-home care services with VMTHC. A representative will schedule a consultation to discuss your needs and develop a care plan tailored to you or your loved one’s requirements. After approving the plan, a caregiver will be assigned to provide the requested services.

Yes, VMTHC’s in-home care services are customized to meet each client’s individual needs. We develop a care plan during the consultation based on the client’s needs, preferences, and goals. The plan can be adjusted based on the client’s changing needs or circumstances.

If you are unhappy with the care provided, contact the agency and voice your concerns. If the issue is unresolved, you may contact the agency’s licensing authority or file a complaint with the state’s health department. VMTHC takes client satisfaction seriously and has a complaint resolution process to promptly and efficiently address any concerns.

Signs that a loved one may need home care assistance include difficulty with activities of daily living, such as bathing, dressing, and grooming, memory loss or confusion, chronic health conditions, difficulty managing medications, social isolation, and falls or near falls. Call VMTHC to speak with our staff. We would be happy to assist you during this difficult time.

Referr to vmthc.com (home health) under service and use the first paragraph as the answer