
Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month: How to Care for Patients With Alzheimer’s

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Alzheimer’s is a neurological condition that can lead to cognitive decline and subsequently dementia.  The Alzheimer’s Association estimates that around 6.2 million people in the US have Alzhe...


COVID-19 Vaccination Information in Washington, DC

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COVID-19 vaccines are finally being distributed in DC and around the world. Thanks to the high rate of vaccinations, the CDC is starting to loosen mask guidance. However, it can be hard to find qua...


Dealing with Parental Resistance to Caregiving

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Being told you need assistance from a caregiver, even subtly, can be hard for anyone. Accepting caregiving services means acknowledging that you’re getting older, and few people enjoy being told they ...


Important COVID-19 Vaccine Information for our Caregivers at VMT


The FDA has authorized both the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine; The first in line to receive the vaccine are essential workers in the healthcare industry- this includes homecare caregive...


Black History Month: African American Contributions to Medicine and Caregiving


February is Black History Month — a time to reflect on the challenges black people have and continue to face, but also a time to celebrate their contributions to society despite these challenges. T...


How Home Health Care Benefits Seniors

home health care benefits for seniors

People face unique health issues as they grow older. Home health care can help them live independently for as long as possible while avoiding disease and injury. Here are some ways it can help. ...


Good News About 2020

VMT Home Care - Good News About 2020

This year has been a rough year for almost everyone. Yet despite the bad stories we may hear in the news all the time, 2020 has seen a lot of amazing breakthroughs in healthcare, and in home care, and...


Upper Respiratory Tract Infections.

Got the Sniffles? Upper Respiratory Tract Infections – Do I Have One?

Do You Have an Upper Respiratory Tract Infection? That sinking feeling you have an upper respiratory tract infection brewing is something you’ve likely experienced at least once or twice. You feel ...


November – All About Honoring Home Care Professionals

home care agency in philadelphia

Take some time this November to honor the millions of skilled nurses, home health aides, therapists, and social workers who work tirelessly to help older adults and families. Every day, home care p...